Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How Far We Have Come

In a couple of hours, Sampi would be turning 19. Let me rephrase that because she has already turned 19 if we are to go by the local time where she is at the moment. Interesting, how much we have grown and how far we have come. If you are wondering what my 'rambling' is all about, my only daughter and first child, is in a university in far away St Johns, New Foundland and today's blog is about her 19th birthdate.
She's been away since September 1 accompanied by Siya to help her with settling into a distant and new environment (three and a half hours ahead of us who are on the MST). God I miss my baby so. Today I walked into what used to be her room and my worst fears came true. My daughter doesn't live at home now. Almost all that reminded me of her physically had gone and I cried. I cried out of a realization about how much she has (and by extension us have) grown and how far we have come as a family. I cried because this is a reality check. As parents, we are blessed by God with children (biological or not) and at some point, those blessings leave to pursue their dreams and to discover themselves. My Sampi has just reached that milestone and that made me cry out of joy. I have exchanged no less than fifteen text messages and phone calls with her since that September 1 day when she left for Memorial University.
Danju and Papa are still home but I am overcome by anticipatory grief of when they too would embark on their own journeys. The wheel of life indeed is cyclical and it is always spinning.
The term 'Empty Nesters' now has a personal meaning to me. Not too long ago (that is if you called twenty years ago recent), I was a newly wed. To the glory of God, I became a new dad three times over with time. Soon I was a father of a teenager (phew that came with it's own excitement and challenges) and now one leg away from wearing an 'empty nester' badge of honour.
I continue to count my blessings and ignore the scars and if I were to come this way again, I would want it same way where my children are concerned. So as my Sampi celebrates her nineteenth birthdate, I ask the good Lord to guide her every step and to bless and keep her in HIS hands.
Thanks a lot for keeping faith with my diary and though it has been a while since my last blog, I appreciate that you made out time to visit with me. You are welcome to post a comment and while at it, if the spirit moves you, say a prayer for my Sampi. God bless you.

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