It's now almost midnight and I can now go get some shut eye after confirming that the security alarm has been switched on and the central heater turned off. Today was in the large part another cold day with the temperature at minus 17 degrees centigrade without adding the wind chill.
My day had begun as it has been since January 2 this year with playing mum and dad in one breath - rush everybody out of the house in the morning after making sure we have had our breakfast, vitamin C and multivitamin.
Read a bit and then gym. Head back to prepare lunch and then ensure we all do our homework. Read everyone's school agenda to be sure the instructions and notes from teachers are complied with.
Go to Danju's basketball practice on Tuesday and games every week on different days.
Drop Sampi at youth program on Tuesday nights and the boys on Wednesday for the same thing.
Start working on dinner and clothes for school tomorrow. Finish and sleep off exhausted on the sofa while trying to catch some news on TV.
This is the diary of a loving daddy. The schedule changes during the weekends.
I almost forgot, Danju's basketball team is scheduled to play 8 games in two days back to back. I just could not believe that organizers of school tournaments would do that. Obviously the kids will be all 'banged up' and the eventual winners of the competition can hardly be said to be the best team. It could be the team with the least injured players or the fittest team but definitely this would not be a best way to pick a championship winner. Eight games in two days? Gimme a break.
Until we talk again tomorrow, good night.
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