Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Return to Eden for Papa ( accompanied by Danju )

I am borrowing the title above from a movie I watched many 'moons' and 'ions' ago but which was very profound even to my then much younger mind.
If I have yet to mention it, permit me to say so now - Papa (if you have been reading my musings here, you probably know whom that is) was born at Parkland Memorial hospital in Dallas some fifteen years ago. For students of history and politics, this was the same hospital that JFK - John Fitzgerald Kennedy was rushed to after we have been told he was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.

So it was a 'return to Eden' on April 7 (holy Saturday) for Papa when he and Danju arrived Dallas to spend Easter with my sis Flo (who is also Papa's godmother). Their journey had begun a day earlier (they were coming from Canada) and just in case you are wondering if a journey from Canada to the States takes that long, please stop wondering. They were traveling by air but West Jet and American Air chose not to talk to each other even though the flight was one booked by West Jet but operated by AA. So my boys left Edmonton and landed in Calgary to take the connecting flight to DFW only to be told the second and final leg of the flight had been cancelled due to the tornado that had ravaged Dallas days earlier. Good reasons yes BUT why were the boys not informed by either of the airlines? And we live in a digital age where almost everything is at push button stage right?
To cut to the chase, after some talking-to by my sis -Flo, the boys were put in a hotel in Calgary for Friday night and then flown early Saturday to Dallas by the airlines.
Sampi is away at the university in New Foundland and couldn't make the trip as she was right smack in the middle of her exams.
So to Dallas the boys went and enjoy the trip they did, not just the toasty warm weather at a time when St Albert where we call home at the moment was still dealing with snow and sub zero degrees climate, but because Flo and UB made sure the boys had fun.
Yours sincerely did fly in from motherland (where I work at the moment and) first to Houston and then drove down accompanied by C who was kind enough to make out some time from her other family responsibilities. I must put on record the kindness of my brodas in Houston for their warm jolly hospitality topped by being given the Avalon for use during my stay in Houston and Dallas. Awu...
The boys and I have since returned (on separate flights) to Canada but it was a lovely Easter break and a good bonding opportunity for all.
Trips by families are useful in many ways and where the pockets and more would support it, should be done.
As I try to keep instilling some deep sense of values , responsibility and obligation to my children, I ask that you take a moment to watch the video below which I think is soul stirring. If this video doesn't get you thinking, i don't know what will.
Enjoy and be inspired.